Category Archives: crime
Asian Discrimination Anti-Racism Issue of the Week

Joe Biden accused Trump of Asian discrimination when he banned flights from China due to the corona virus. More recently, eight innocent people were murdered in Atlanta. Six of them were Asians. And now hate against Asians is the cause of the month. It’s real alright – check out this thug in mid-day Manhattan.
But Asians are also one of the most successful minorities in America. And if we’re looking for non-violent Asian discrimination Harvard is a good place to start.
But did the Atlanta victims die because they were Asian? So far there’s not proof of it. The shooter says he’s a sex pervert with issues. Sometimes a perv is just a perv.
Defund the Police Craze in Minneapolis

Minneapolis City Council is in recovery from last summer’s “Defund the Police” craze.
The council yanked a million dollars from the police then. Night followed day and the crime rate surged. So now they’ve approved a half million to try to patch things over. They plan to rent cops from the Metro Transit and the sheriff’s office.
Still, the city expects to “hemorrhage” 145 officers. And the police department faces a $14 million cut in the mayor’s budget proposal.
The Council President is retiring too.
We Hope They Die Protesters in Compton, California

Protesters chanted, “we hope they die,” after a shooter failed to kill two L.A. County deputies. He shot them at point blank range and wounded the 31 year old female deputy in the jaw. Yet she somehow managed to apply a tourniquet to save her 24 year old male partner. Both deputies survived, despite the protesters wishes
Violent Protests Ignored at Mostly Peaceful DNC

Violent protests burned Milwaukee and other major cities. But they were the unmentioned elephant in the room at last week’s DNC.
The Democrats bend their reality toward a referendum on President Donald Trump’s handling of the coronavirus, but they bend it away from any mention of growing violence in American big cities run by liberal Democratic administrations.
John Kass, Chicago Tribune