Category Archives: budget
Harry Reid
Harry Reid repeated unsubstantiated charges, on the Senate floor, that Romney didn’t pay taxes for 10 years. Nearly the same amount of time the Senate hasn’t passed a budget.
Union Dues
The Wisconsin public service unions didn’t spaz out because teachers would have to pay a little more for their health care. It was because the state is no longer the bag man for their dues. Given a free choice, union members have been running for the exits. The State, County, and Municipal employees union membership is down by half, the American Federation of Teachers is down by a third.
The White House website has inserted “did you know?” factoids about President Obama into its biographies of other presidents. For instance, did you know Obama is the Scrooge of presidential spending?
Here’s the Rex Nutting Market Watch piece purporting to show Obama is a tightwad. And here’s Ann Coulter saying Rex is Nuts.