Category Archives: 2012 presidential campaign
Open Book
During his surprise press conference Monday, the president defended his campaign tactics by again calling for Romney to release his tax returns. He said, “if you want to be president… your life’s an open book when it comes to things like your finances”.
He also accused Romney of “just making stuff up” in an ad that accuses Obama is gutting welfare reform.
President Obama was in Iowa trying to give tax money to the wealthy. He wants us t0 ” ‘put politics aside’ and give farmers their money”. Ten percent of farmers get 74% of all farm subsidies. Forty percent of the U.S. corn crop is used to make federally mandated ethanol.
Old White Guys
Old white guy Harry Reid really did say that during the 2008 election. Another old white guy, Joe Biden, told a largely black audience last night, “they’re gonna put y’all in chains”. No wonder Democrats seem obsessed with old white guys.
New Poll
The highly acclaimed Bokbluster tracking pol, restricted to anyone with a pulse, disagreed with Mitt Romney by preferring Rubio for Vice President with 47% of all votes. Paul Ryan came in second with 23%.
The new poll is for all the marbles. It will close at midnight of election day. You only get to vote once.