Category Archives: natural disaster
Blizzard Bust
Boston got busted but the blizzard was a bust in New York. Central Park got about 8 inches of snow. Not bad but not very historical. “Potentially historical” is how the National Weather Service predicted the blizzard. That caused Louis C.K. to write, “Well I didn’t know you could call a thing historic if it hasn’t happened yet.” His Madison Square Garden show got cancelled.
The New York Post‘s John Podhoretz said, “don’t blame the media, blame the politicians.” Governor Cuomo shut down the subway system for the first time in 101 years – “because he wanted to”. Now that’s historical. Podhoretz called NY Mayor DeBlasio a “6-foot, 5-inch wagging finger, ordering everybody to go inside and stay inside if they knew what was good for them”.
Kevin Williamson summed it up in National Review. “If you happen to be a power-hungry politician, a state of emergency is a very useful thing”.
Rise of the Oceans
After being dissed by New York Mayor Bloomberg, the president took Chris Christie on a helicopter ride over the mess left by hurricane Sandy.
Big Wind
Todd Aiken is the Republican nominee for the U.S. Senate seat from Missouri who said that in cases of “legitimate rape” women have special powers to avoid pregnancy. Needless to say, Dems like Barbara Boxer pounced on Aiken’s nutty idea to whip up the winds of “the war on women”.
Democrats and pundits also tried to pin Aiken’s rape notions on Republicans like Paul Ryan who oppose abortion because they consider it killing a human life.
The bigger problem problem for Republicans is the Missouri senate seat. The incumbent Democrat, Claire McCaskill, was considered a weak candidate – until Aiken defined himself. One additional Republican seat in the senate would have been enough to block passage of Obama Care, which Republicans hope to overturn.