Category Archives: internet

Twitter Flasher

Turns out Weiner did send those naughty bit pics. Pathetic but not as pathetic as 2000 page bills nobody reads.

Manic Depression is a Frustrating Mess

In a pop culture that absolves all sorts of bad behavior with a trip to the Betty Ford Clinic and a weepy Oprah appearance, Charlie Sheen is a breath of fresh air. At least that’s the generous way of looking at it. Here’s Brendan O’Neill quoted by Nick Gillespie in Reason:

“…Sheen is rebelling against the super-conformist modern narrative of weak individuals who need to be saved by psycho-priests.”

Or maybe he really is mentally ill. That seems to be the attraction to the major networks. Step right up and see the Crazy Man! They’ve broken the final TV taboo – exploiting the sick.

Stay tuned for the next reality show, Celebrity Pustules. Sick.

New Media Merger

The ideologically supple Arianna Huffington sold her left leaning Huffington Post to AOL for $315 million. Not to begrudge a successful capitalist, but The Huffington Post is famous for stiffing original content providers.

Fighting Words

Sheriff Clarence Dupnik has used the Tucson tragedy as a platform to attack his political enemies. Paul Krugman did the same even before Dupnik’s yellow crime scene tape was up. Los Angeles Times columnist, Andrew Malcolm, takes a dim view of Dupnik’s police work. Victor Davis Hanson wonders, in National Review, why people like Dupnik and Krugman focus on Sara Palin’s crosshairs on a map but not the president’s search for an ass to kick. And finally, here’s the Krugman view expressed in a more thoughtful way by Jacob Weisberg in Slate.

If some deranged person strangles an elephant, I’m in trouble.

This item from today’s NYT is by Yale history professor Joanne Freeman on congressional violence – by congressmen!- back in the good old days. I met Joanne at a conference in Boise last October. She spent 10 years digging up stuff for a book about duels, fist fights, and other interesting behavior in Congress.

Rear View 2010

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