Category Archives: internet

Ray Rice’s Knockout Game


The knockout game was played in Memphis last weekend. It’s a game in which random people get sucker punched by punks. The idea is to knock the victim senseless. The knockout game is senseless.

But after seeing Baltimore Raven Ray Rice cold-cock his fiancé in an elevator I think I get it. The knockout game is a new NFL fantasy league.

Hacked Celebrities

140908-hacked-celebritiesThe media verdict is that hacking nude photos of celebrities is theft. Yet an art gallery in St. Petersburg, Florida plans to display some of the recently hacked the pics. Jennifer Lawrence, Kate Upton and others say they will sue over any display of their stolen images. This made me wonder… what would Anthony Weiner do?

Arctic Sea Ice Challenge


UK Mail Online published satellite photos that show this summer’s arctic sea ice increased from 2012’s all-time low. Slate was quick to point out, with its usual annoying habit of answering a question you didn’t ask, that “No You Can’t Claim Arctic Sea Ice is Recovering”.

Sea Ice Challenge

The increase represents a change in weather not climate. Like the Lake Superior ice that wouldn’t leave until June. Or the drought in California. Oh wait, that’s climate not weather.

Anyway, maybe you can’t claim arctic sea ice is recovering, but you might say polar bears are. 091030boklores

State Exchange Subsidies


The DC Court of Appeals ruled that the Affordable Care Act means what it says. You have to buy insurance from a state exchange to qualify for a subsidy. If the ruling is upheld by the Supreme Court, ObamaCare will be in big trouble.

ObamaCare supporters are insisting that the law, as it’s written, does not express the intent of Congress. It’s just a type-o.

State Exchanges

MIT whiz Jonathan Gruber insists there is no way ObamaCare tax credits were meant to be restricted to state exchanges. And he should know, he helped write the law. Except that videos have surfaced showing Gruber insisting that if governors don’t set up state exchanges they will deny their own citizens ObamaCare tax credits. And not only that, they’ll be forced to subsidize policy holders in other states! Gruber’s response is that was a “speak-o”.

Kevin Obrien in the Plain Dealer is on the case. So is Megan McArdle in Bloomberg, and Jonathan Keim in National review.

Republicans Beat LeBron to Cleveland


Republicans see something Lebron James didn’t. They’re coming to Cleveland for their 2016 national convention.

If Republicans are betting a Cleveland convention will reel in Ohio’s 18 electoral votes, Al Hunt at Bloomberg might be happy to take a little of that action:

History, however, suggests the convention venue usually has little bearing on the outcome. The last four Republican conventions have been held in Pennsylvania (Philadelphia), New York (New York City), Minnesota (St. Paul) and Florida (Tampa.) The Republican candidate failed to carry those states in each of those general elections.

Anyway, Cleveland is thrilled to have the convention but it still hasn’t forgotten about LeBron. The current front menu page of the Plain Dealer has 2 links to convention stories and 3 links to James stories.

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