Category Archives: internet
Cool Fool
In the midst of the world wide jihad that dare not speak it’s name, the Fruit Loop President found time to fool around in the Oval Office. Not the Bill Clinton kind of fooling around – just acting like a fool.
Obama mugged in front of a mirror, took selfies with a camera on a stick, and whined, “can I live?” while shooting air free throws. It was part of a BuzzFeed video to reach the “young healthies” he needs to subsidize the old and unhealthy in ObamaCare.
Later in Libya, the land he “liberated“, 21 Coptic Christians, or ‘Egyptians” as he called them, were beheaded, 45 Iraqis were burned alive, and two people were killed in an attack on a Danish cartoonist.
Maybe the president is a cool fool like a fox. His Gallup Poll approval rating reached 50% today.
President Fruit Loop
One day YouTube star GloZell Green is thrashing in her milk filled bath tub bobbing for Fruit Loops. Next thing you know she’s interviewing the president of the United States.
The president is concerned that the dignity of his office has been gravely damaged – by Speaker Boehner.
John Boehner invited the Israeli Prime minister to speak to Congress. Bibi accepted. Obama blew his lid. Mouthpiece Josh Ernest claimed it was a violation of protocol for Congress to extend the invitation without the permission of the co-equal executive branch. Payback was promised. This was no mere violation of the Constitution.
John Kerry is especially miffed at being dissed by Netanyahu after all he’s done for him. Somebody, give him a hug. And, James Taylor, could you please come back and sing You got a Friend?
Meanwhile the president dissed the Main Stream Media. They’ve long been in the tank for him. Now he’s in the tub with GloZell. But it wasn’t all milk and Fruit Loops. GloZell upstaged the msm with a question about Cuba. She demanded to know how he could “justify negotiating with the guy who puts the dick in dictatorship”.
Third String quarterbacks and JV Terrorists
Cardale Jones, the quarterback for Ohio State’s national champion football team says he’s not yet ready for the NFL. He wants to work his way up from third string to second or maybe even first team for the Buckeye’s first.
Cardale has set the tone for benchwarmers everywhere. The Islamic State scrubs come to mind. ISIS doesn’t just hack off heads anymore. It’s now a cyber terror group. ISIS is taking credit for hacking US Central Command computers and exposing military personnel through social networking accounts.
The Commander in Chief, whose address is already exposed, once proclaimed ISIS the JV team.
FCC Net Neutrality
President Obama says he wants the “strongest possible rules to protect net neutrality”. He wants the FCC to run the internet like a public utility and guarantee that everyone has equal access. That would mean a big outfit like Netflix couldn’t buy up bandwidth and squeeze out virtuous freeloaders like .. um ..
So far so good. Except it might also mean service providers would lose an incentive to build more bandwidth.Holman Jenkins in the WSJ says Obama “has no idea what incentives guide the behavior of broadband carriers, or how regulation might affect the ability of intelligent networks to deliver a growing and potentially infinite variety of services in the future over a common digital network”.
Ted Cruz calls the plan “ObamaCare for the internet”. He says it will put the feds in charge of internet pricing, products, and service. looked into Cruz’s claim. They rated if “half true” for whatever that’s worth. I think PolitiFact’s real value is in the reporting it does. Here’s PolitiFact’s explanation of Net Neutrality.
And here’s Paul Greenberg noticing that AT&T is pulling back an investment in fiber optic cable due to Obama’s 1930’s mindset on the internet.
REUTERS — AT&T will pause investments to bring fiber connections to 100 cities until U.S. regulators iron out rules to regulate how Internet service providers manage their Web traffic, the company’s chief executive told investors Wednesday. “We can’t go out and invest that kind of money deploying fiber to 100 cities not knowing under what rules those investments will be governed,” CEO Randall Stephenson said.
The NFL is in a panic over angry women and angry sportswriters, sometimes one and the same. Commissioner Roger Goodell held a press conference yesterday to announce a crackdown on football players behaving badly. It played to very bad reviews. He apologized and promised a new and more sensitive NFL. But no number of pink ribbons will satisfy the National Organization for Women. President Terry O’Neill immediately renewed calls for Goodell’s head.
Never mind that the arrest rate for NFL players is lower than the rate for adult men in the general population. Here’s a chart from Deadspin.
So, why the uproar now? Ray Rice was seen last February dragging his unconscious fiancé Janay Palmer out of an Atlantic City casino elevator, caveman style. It was obvious something brutal had happened. Rice was charged with aggravated assault and placed in a one year pre-trial intervention program. The NFL suspended him for two games. With the unpleasantness behind them, Janay and Ray got married and lived happily ever after.
That is until an elevator video surfaced this month on TMZ showing Ray actually dropping Janay with a left hook. Then the NFL took action to punish the victim by taking away her husband’s of income. Rice was suspended indefinitely.
Video footage evidently concentrates the mind, whether it’s of a knockout punch or a beheading. That puts Commissioner Goodell and President Obama in the same boat. Well, not actually, NOW still likes Obama.