Category Archives: Food

Better Off

Dems have struggled with the “are you better off” question. Martin O’Malley, the governor of Maryland answered “no”, switched to yes, and was blown off the bridge of death.

46.7 million Americans were on food stamps in June, but things weren’t so hot 4 years ago either. Here’s a chart from the Atlantic that tracks private sector jobs since Obama came to power.



President Obama was in Iowa trying to give tax money to the wealthy. He wants us t0 ” ‘put politics aside’ and give farmers their money”. Ten percent of farmers get 74% of all farm subsidies. Forty percent of the U.S. corn crop is used to make federally mandated ethanol.

Lobster Boy

I heard the price of lobster is down this year, so I drove 1500 miles, sacking the coast of Maine, seeking savings. Mission accomplished.

Animal Farm

The going is getting weird. Chick-fil-A owner, Dan Cathy, expressed an opinion he shared with president Obama until a few weeks ago – namely, that marriage is between a man and a woman. This so outraged a newly sensitive Chicago alderman as well as the mayor of Boston that they threatened to destroy his business.

Meanwhile, Romney, hoping to avoid further display of his financial success, refuses to watch his ballet horse perform in the Olympics.

UPDATE: Cow wins, horse loses. Chic-fil-A had a record setting day Wednesday. Ann Romney’s horse, Rafalca, didn’t win a medal.

Big Gulp

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