Category Archives: Iraq

Cool Fool


In the midst of the world wide jihad that dare not speak it’s name, the Fruit Loop President found time to fool around in the Oval Office. Not the Bill Clinton kind of fooling around – just acting like a fool.

Obama mugged in front of a mirror, took selfies with a camera on a stick, and whined, “can I live?” while shooting air free throws. It was part of a BuzzFeed video to reach the “young healthies” he needs to subsidize the old and unhealthy in ObamaCare.

Later in Libya, the land he “liberated“, 21 Coptic Christians, or ‘Egyptians” as he called them, were beheaded, 45 Iraqis were burned alive, and two people were killed in an attack on a Danish cartoonist.

Maybe the president is a cool fool like a fox. His Gallup Poll approval rating reached 50% today.


National Prayer Breakfast


Every year about this time there’s a pious politician public event called the National Prayer Breakfast.

Two years ago Dr. Ben Carson made his political debut there. The soft spoken brain surgeon insulted President Obama by ordering off the menu and choosing health savings accounts instead of ObamaCare. Now the good doctor is contemplating his own run for the president’s seat at the table.

At last year’s breakfast, after trying to force the Little Sisters of the Poor to buy birth control and morning after pills, Obama droned about religious freedom.

This year he made headlines providing the insight that Crusaders killed in the name of religion 1000 years ago. Not only that, Christians were responsible for Jim Crow.



Got to See a Man About a High Horse

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A couple weeks ago Bob Menedez compared President Obama’s threat to veto any sanctions on Iran to “talking points that come straight out of Tehran”. Our philosopher king’s prayer breakfast lecture on Thursday could have been mistaken for talking points straight out of the Islamic State. He called on Christians to get off their high horse about man burning ISIS jihadis. He then reminded them that Crusaders did bad things in the name of Christ. A thousand years ago.

Ralph Peters will take two centuries of Crusades against “14 centuries of slaughtered, enslaved, raped, and oppressed Christians who endured Islam’s endless jihad” any day.

Brian Williams Next Helicopter Assignment

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Will Brian Williams be brought down by his fake claim that his helicopter was brought down by an enemy RPG over Iraq in 2003? Not likely. Media critic Howard Kurtz says he’s too big to fail.

Now the New Orleans Advocate is questioning his claim about a body floating through the French Quarter during Katrina. Tom Brokaw says it’s time for him to go.

Not a Terror Group

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The White House won’t negotiate with Islamic State because it’s a terror organization. President Obama swapped five Gitmo terrorists with the Taliban for deserter Bo Bergdahl because the Taliban is not a terror group. It’s an insurgency group. The president does have a strategy.

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