Category Archives: Iran

Appeasing the Hard Cases


President Obama hopes that Iran will be a very successful regional power by the time it becomes a nuclear power. Victor Davis Hansen thinks appeasing the world’s hard cases has a poor track record.

Knee Jerk Partisan


The President of the U.S. said this week that anyone opposed to his Iran deal is a “knee jerk partisan no different than those who say Death to America”.

His negotiating partner, the supreme leader of Iran, says, “Death to America“.

Rich Lowry says the deal isn’t a treaty because a treaty requires a two thirds vote in the Senate for approval. This deal is rigged to require a two thirds vote for disapproval.

Apparently Chuck Schumer now says, “Death to America!”


Death To America

150723-Death-to-AmericaThe historic deal with Iran is done. Secretary of State Kerry says if a new president tries to change it “we’ll have proven we’re not trustworthy”.

President Obama says he will veto any bill if Congress tries to change the deal.

Supreme Leader Khameini says, “Death to America”.

Iranian Conventional Arms Embargo

150715-iranian-conventional-arms-embargoAs part of the Obama nuclear agreement, Iran made a last minute pitch to end the conventional arms embargo. Grinning Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif got what he wanted and more. The deal calls for the E.U. to also lift sanctions on the Iranian Republican Guard and the Quds Force.

At least 500 Americans were killed in Iraq by Iranian made Explosively Formed Penetrators. EFP’s are a more sophisticated version of improvised explosive devices or IED’s.

Frederick Kagan of the American Enterprise Institute explains here “Why They’re Cheering in Tehran”.


ISIS Strategy Session


President Obama still isn’t impressed by the JV team. Ten months into the contest he doesn’t yet have a strategy for ISIS. He’s reaching out to Sunni tribes in Iraq to scout more fighters. Thomas Sowell says the president blew a big lead and now the game is his to lose.

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