Category Archives: global warming

EPA Spill


EPA chief Gina McCarthy says the Animas River is cleaning itself. The EPA spilled 3 million gallons of toxic waste into the river when one of its contractors pulled the plug to the abandoned Gold King mine. The agency took 24 to alert officials of the spill.

Pope’s Encyclical

150620-pope'sHave you read the Pope’s encyclical? Me either. But I’ve read reviews and there’s more to it than global warming. I do plan to read it, but for now it looks like the warmists have God on their side, or at least His agent.

Climate of Fear


The Islamic Caliphate is capturing and holding territory in Anbar province and Syria. ISIS murdered 262 people in Palmyra over Memorial Day weekend. If past behavior is any guide, antiquities there could be doomed. President Obama called the defeat of Ramadi a “tactical setback”.

In a commencement speech at the Coast Guard Academy last week the president hinted at his military priorities. He named climate change the top national security threat.


Snow Jump


If it doesn’t snow anymore that’s climate change. If it does snow that’s climate change too.

Man caused disasters aren’t what they used to be. In 2001 people jumped out of windows in New York because they made a grim choice. Now they jump out of windows in Boston into snow piles for fun – and to piss off the mayor.

Here’s an interesting Daily Beast article about a Yale study that looks at vaccines, climate, and politics.

Climate of Terror


Boston is buried under the most snow ever (not that weather equals climate).

The Islamic State crucifies children, beheads Christians, and burns Muslims alive in cages.The U.S. embassy was evacuated in Yemen and Marines were forced to disable and abandon their weapons.

The White House says global warming is a greater threat than terror. Hard to know the truth.

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