Category Archives: global warming

Isis Oil Crisis

151201-isis-oilPresident Obama is so green it’s tough to get him to take his own side in a fight.

Former CIA Director Michael Morell told Charlie Rose the reason President Obama refused to bomb ISIS oil facilities was to save the environment.


Obama was also reluctant to bomb ISIS oil trucks because he didn’t want to harm the drivers. When the trucks finally were bombed, we gave 45 minutes advance warning by dropping leaflets telling the drivers to run away.

Dick Morris thinks this is “loony”. ISIS pays its jihadis with the $2 million a day it makes in oil sales. Here’s what Morris had to say about the environmental cost of putting a stop to that:

This kind of environmental fantasizing was in vogue during the Gulf War, when Saddam Hussein’s destruction of all of Kuwait’s oil fields was thought to be likely to cause huge damage. Paul Crutzen, a noted atmospheric scientist, predicted that a “nuclear winter” might ensue with a cloud of smoke covering half the Northern Hemisphere for at least 100 days. Carl Sagan argued that the effects of the destruction of Kuwaiti oil fields could be comparable to the explosion of the volcano Tambora in 1815, which produced “a year without summer.”

It never happened.

Greatest Threat to Bernie


The president thinks global warming is the greatest threat to national security. He’ll stride past the rubble in Paris next week to make that case.

Bernie Sanders agrees. He thinks the Middle East will heat up so much, literally, that it will force refugees into Europe.

Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

Pipeline to Paris


When President Obama killed the Keystone Pipeline last Friday he threw blue collar unions under the bus in favor of elitist greens. That’s according to Terry O’Sullivan, president of the Laborers International Union of North America.

Obama agrees:

“Approving this project would have undercut our global leadership on climate.”

He hopes to lead the UN climate conference in Paris at the end of the month.

Keystone Killed


After seven years of dithering, President Obama killed the Keystone pipeline on Friday. He said the project wouldn’t make a meaningful long term contribution to the economy.

Matt Lewis in The Week explains the real reason the president took so long. Labor unions were for the pipeline and environmentalists were against it. Labor isn’t happy:

We are dismayed and disgusted that the president has once again thrown the members of [The Laborers’ International Union of North America], and other hard-working, blue-collar workers under the bus of his vaunted ‘legacy,’ while doing little or nothing to make a real difference in global climate change. His actions are shameful. [LIUNA, via The Hill]

New Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau took the slap in the face more gracefully.

Warren Buffett took the news gracefully too. Oil not shipped by pipeline will have to he shipped by train. He owns the trains.

World Health Hates Hot Dogs

151027-world-healthNagging us about climate change isn’t enough for the World Health Organization. Now it warns that eating processed meat causes cancer. NPR calls it a bad day for bacon. Hot dogs too.

World Health

In a Financial Times piece titled You can either savor the bacon or relish the hysteria Tim Hayward says, “your breakfast banger” is now in a category “with tobacco, alcohol, asbestos and radioactive materials such as uranium.”

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