Category Archives: education
Dr. Seuss Gets White Trashed on his Birthday

Our woke betters took out the white trash again this week. Dr. Seuss Enterprises has decided to stop publishing six of his books due to racial imagery. Loudoun County Public Schools in Virginia sounded the alarm over the weekend. The district is discouraging reading Dr. Seuss on “Read Across America Day”. But they insist they did not cancel the good doctor:
Research in recent years has revealed strong racial undertones in many books written/illustrated by Dr. Seuss. Examples include anti-Japanese American political cartoons and cartoons depicting African-Americans for sale captioned with offensive language.”
Due to this research, as well as what LCPS described as its ongoing focus on “equity and culturally responsive instruction,” schools were advised to refrain from strictly linking Read Across America Day festivities with the birthday of Dr. Seuss, which also lands on March 2.
Loudoun County Public Schools statement
Dr. Seuss research? They’re just following the science.
The Science Says it’s Safe to Open Schools

The science says it’s safe to open schools – with certain precautions. But thanks to teachers unions, President Biden can’t hear what The Science is saying.
Decisions, Decisions for the Big 10

More decisions for the Big 10.
The Ohio State-Michigan game won’t be played for the first time since 1917. Then it was WW I. Now it’s Covid 19.
The Big Ten announced a schedule in August but cancelled the season five days later. But then it noticed everybody else was playing so it reversed course.
They Buckeyes have only played five games and they’re undefeated. But the conference required a minimum of six games to qualify for the Big 10 championship.
No problem, the league decided to change that rule too. Ohio State will play Northwestern on Dec. 19 for the Big 10 championship.
It’s all very upsetting to Dabo Swinney.
No College Football for You and put that Mask back on
Teachers Unions and Charter Schools

Thomas Sowell has a new book out – “Charter Schools and Their Enemies.“
In a recent WSJ op-ed he says black and Hispanic students in New York City charter schools outperform public school students. And teachers unions fear charter schools for good reason:
Teachers unions and traditional public school administrators have every reason to fear charter schools. In 2019 there were more than 50,000 New York City students on waiting lists to transfer to charter schools.
If that many students were allowed to transfer, in a city where expenditures per pupil are more than $20,000 a year, the result wold be that more than a billion dollars year would transfer with them to charter schools.
Thomas Sowwell