No Love from Biden for Trump Vaccine Effort

President Biden isn’t showing his predecesor any love for the vaccines that have the pandemic on the run. Donald Trump flogged Operation Warp Speed. It was a Manhattan Project style effort to find a vaccine. Trump’s overexposure to daily press conferences may have killed his re-election. But Warp Speed was a big success.
Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson and Johnson developed, tested and jabbed vaccines into people’s arms in less than a year. It’s a process that normally takes many years.
Trump Vaccine Effort
President Biden’s response? “We inherited a mess.” Biden said that when he took office there was no plan for a vaccine rollout. And he bragged that he would ramp up to 100 million vaccines in his first hundred days. But the country was already vaccinating almost 1 million per day when he took office. And President Biden himself had already received his two shots by then.
The last time vaccines were done in mass was the early 1970s and that was done on children not trying to do the whole population. Biden feed off of the plans that were started by the Trump administration. The honeymoon period of a presidency feeds off of the previous president good or bad. If it’s bad you blame the previous president and if it’s good you take credit. Not impressed by Biden.