Category Archives: budget

Odd Job

On the other hand, Obama’s dead jobs bill may have been dreamed up as a club to use on the Republicans who were bound to kill it.

FEMA Relief

For those keeping score, FEMA seems to have enough money to tide it over until Friday, which is the end of the fiscal year, and thereby avoid a government shutdown.

More Savings

Among the savings on offer, is a jillion dollars by not fighting wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. A few weeks ago a NASA scientist speculated that we could be attacked by aliens upset about global warming – really. So far, it hasn’t happened. More savings for you.

Pass it Now, Right Away, Don’t Delay

President Obama’s jobs program calls for another $45o billion of the spending that dare not speak its name. That name would be “stimulus“. He wants it passed immediately – “no games, no politics , no delays”. And he wants it paid for by ending charitable deductions for the rich, capital gains tax rates for hedge fund tycoons, oil industry deductions, and of course, breaks for jet owners.

Unless Congress gets with his plan, unlikely, he says it’s up to the “super committee” to come up with other offsets. Right away.


The president’s job approval has dropped to 40%. Las Vegas money bag developer, and Democrat, Steve Wynn says this administration is the biggest wet blanket to business and job creation in his lifetime. Even Peggy Noonan got in on the act, saying nobody loves a loser.

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