Category Archives: obituary

Rapid Robert


Here’s a nice video interview with Bob Feller from the New York Times “Last Word” series.

Byrd of a Different Feather


I guess we shouldn’t be surprised that a senate that passed an 800 billion dollar pork packed stimulus bill would go all out for the the passing of the king of pork. Jonah Goldberg has the bad manners to also bring up the Exalted Cyclops’s KKK organizing days here. Michael Barone admires Senator Byrd’s interest in the constitution, in a more balanced view here.

He Fed the World

090918boklores1Norman Borlaug died on September 12. He was an agronomist. He saved billions of lives with his Green Revolution. Here’s the story by Gregg Easterbrook in the WSJ.


090831loresObit cartoons are the hardest. Especially when it comes to Ted Kennedy. The Lion of the Senate was a good father to his children and a father figure to his nieces and nephews. Republicans like John McCain admired him and respected his willingness to reach across the aisle.

I doubt if Robert Bork shared that view. Kennedy said that a Supreme Court with Bork on the bench would mean a return to back alley abortions and segregated lunch counters. If someone on the right side of the aisle were say something that stupid about, say, Justice Sotomayor, to pull a name out a hat, he’d be outcast to the far reaches of wing-nutdom.

Anyone not named Kennedy who swam away from Chappaquiddick island would probably have served more prison time than the Lockerbie Bomber.

Toward the end he had a letter hand delivered to the Pope.

Uncommon behavior for a man with such a common touch.

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