Category Archives: Military

Obama Turns Over National Security Apparatus Keys

national security apparatus

The Daily Beast is alarmed by the massive national security apparatus The President is turning over to The Donald. It kills by drone and fights wars without congressional approval.

Whenever George W. Bush started a war he made sure to to pack a Congressional resolution. President Obama, not so much.

Obama ended “torture” of enemy combatants. Instead he blows them up by drone. Even American citizens make the hit list.

He also engineered a nuke treaty with Iran without Senate approval. He simply deemed it not a treaty.

Now all that power is in the tiny hands of President-elect Trump.

National Security Apparatus

Here’s Jameel Jaffer, the director of the Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University:

“Many Americans were willing to invest broad power in the presidency because they trusted the president. But obviously the powers that we invest outlast any particular president, and now those powers are available to Trump.”


United States Russia Reset Gets Rolling


President Obama tried to reset relations with Russia. He tried to be flexible. And what does he get in return? Hacked.

Here’s Krauthammer on how Obama got rolled by the Russians (and how we got rolled on Obamacare).

No Respect For Obama From Iran Navy

Iran Navy

Not long ago I drew ISIS as the Rodney Dangerfield of jihad. But now President Obama is turning out to be the Rodney Dangerfield of the rest of the world. Nobody much seems to respect him. Or fear him.

Iran Navy

Just this past week China snubbed the president during an airport greeting. Then Russian jets buzzed U.S. military aircraft over the Black Sea. And finally the Iran Navy said thanks for the ransom money by harassing U.S. ships with glorified jet skis.

Oh, and the president of the Philippines called him a son-of-a-bitch.

Charles Krauthammer says the the president’s “high minded lectures about global norms and demands that others live up to their “international obligations” are no longer amusing. Now they’re irritating.”

He notes that Obama told CNN that he warned Chinese President Xi to behave in the South China Sea “or there would be consequences.”

Red line anyone?

Benghazi Report

benghazi report

Trey Gowdy released the 800 page Benghazi Report on Tuesday. Hillary called it old news from the vast right wing conspiracy and said it’s time to move on.

Here’s some of the “old news” from Politico.

• The State Department Failed to protect diplomats

• The CIA was confused about who our allies were. Americans were ultimately rescued by forces loyal to Gaddafi – the Libyan ruler about whom Hillary previously said “we came, we saw, he died.” Cackle cackle.

• Marines ready for take-off were ordered to change into civilian clothes so as not to offend Libyans.

• The Obama administration stonewalled the investigation.

Suicide Mission

The State Department sent a a security expert to Benghazi nine months before the attack. His report:

I told him that this was a suicide mission; that there was a very good chance that everybody here was going to die; that there was absolutely no ability here to prevent an attack whatever. . . . He said, “Everybody back here in D.C. knows that people are going to die in Benghazi and nobody is going to care until somebody does die.”

Hillary publicly lied that the attack was inspired by an internet video. A day later she told the Egyptian Prime Minister, “We know that the attacks in Libya had nothing to do with the film. It was a planned attack – not a protest.”

David French (the guy Bill Kristol wanted to run for president) sums up the report:

So here we are. The presumptive Democratic nominee for president is largely responsible for one of the great foreign-policy disasters of the last eight years and unquestionably responsible for helping mislead the public, yet in the media calculus of our time the Benghazi report is a “win,” because it merely confirms failures we already knew about. And everyone knows that old failures are no failures at all.


Hillary’s Nuclear Codes Words

nuclear codes

Hillary attacked The Donald in a major foreign policy speech. She said he’s temperamentally unfit to be president:

“Donald Trump’s ideas aren’t just different, they’re dangerously incoherent. They’re not even really ideas, just a series of bizarre rants, personal feuds and outright lies,” she said. “He is not just unprepared. He is temperamentally unfit to hold an office that requires knowledge, stability and immense responsibility.”

Not only that…

“He should not have the nuclear codes because it’s very easy to imagine Donald Trump leading us into a war just because someone got under his very thin skin. We cannot let him roll the dice with America.”

On the other hand, due to her failure to secure top secret material on her private server, Judge Napolitano thinks Hillary is likely guilty of espionage.

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