Category Archives: Military
Gulf Arms Race
President Obama held a beer summit for Arabs and nobody came. At least nobody important. Saudi Arabia’s King Salman had to wash his hair. The King of Bahrain checked out horses with Queen Elizabeth.
The Arab leaders are not happy with Obama’s Persian nuke plans. Could it lead to a Gulf arms race? Saudi Prince Faisal said, “Whatever the Iranians have, we will have too”.
Ayatollah Advice
Ayatollah Khamenei recently held a fire and brimstone revival in Iran. He said there would be no nuclear deal unless sanctions are lifted immediately.The Supreme Leader then presided over a rousing chorus of Death to America chants.
Nukes for Iran
President Obama’s original line was no nukes for Iran. That may have changed. According to leaks, the administration is working on a ten year plan allowing enough centrifuges to have a nuclear infrastructure but not enough to build bombs. At the end of the ten years, thanks to Obama’s persuasive power, the mullahs will be mollified, Iran will become a normal country, and we’ll have nothing to worry about.
Bibi is unpersuaded:
The deal “doesn’t block Iran’s path to the bomb, it paves Iran’s path to the bomb,” Netanyahu said.
Got to See a Man About a High Horse
A couple weeks ago Bob Menedez compared President Obama’s threat to veto any sanctions on Iran to “talking points that come straight out of Tehran”. Our philosopher king’s prayer breakfast lecture on Thursday could have been mistaken for talking points straight out of the Islamic State. He called on Christians to get off their high horse about man burning ISIS jihadis. He then reminded them that Crusaders did bad things in the name of Christ. A thousand years ago.
Ralph Peters will take two centuries of Crusades against “14 centuries of slaughtered, enslaved, raped, and oppressed Christians who endured Islam’s endless jihad” any day.
Brian Williams Next Helicopter Assignment
Will Brian Williams be brought down by his fake claim that his helicopter was brought down by an enemy RPG over Iraq in 2003? Not likely. Media critic Howard Kurtz says he’s too big to fail.
Now the New Orleans Advocate is questioning his claim about a body floating through the French Quarter during Katrina. Tom Brokaw says it’s time for him to go.