Category Archives: internet
Neil Armstrong
Not that I have anything against 90 inch HD flat screens. It’s just that it was so cool to watch the old tube as Neil Armstrong stepped onto the lunar surface (or the Arizona desert, if you’re so inclined) and then to go outside and look at the moon and comprehend that he was really there. The technology that put a man on the moon now seems kind of primitive, yet no one has been back in 30 years.
Wikipedia has a chart (sourced to OMB) that shows NASA’s budget, as a percentage of federal spending, peaked at 4.41% in 1966 while 2011 spending was down to .53%
Open Book
During his surprise press conference Monday, the president defended his campaign tactics by again calling for Romney to release his tax returns. He said, “if you want to be president… your life’s an open book when it comes to things like your finances”.
He also accused Romney of “just making stuff up” in an ad that accuses Obama is gutting welfare reform.
Bully Pulpit
Will Mitt’s high school hair cutting hijinks lead to continued bullying if he makes it to the White House? If so, he’ll fit right in. Last time we checked, the Preezy was trying to bully the U.S. Supreme Court into a favorable ruling on Obama Care.
Now, Kimberly Strassel reports from the WSJ that he’s picking on private individuals. The Obama campaign site, Keeping the GOP Honest, posted a list of high rolling Romney donors – or as the site calls them, “”wealthy individuals with less-than-reputable records”. The campaign doesn’t just name names, it conducts opposition research to smear the donors, according to Strassel.
Personally, I think the Washington Post missed the story by focusing on Romney cutting a kid’s hair half a century ago. I want to know what the hell he was doing going over the boards to join in a hockey fight! (the picture is worth enduring the 14 second commercial)
Etch A Sketch Candidate
A Romney aid said the campaign is like an Etch A Sketch – you can shake it up and start all over before the general election. Just like Romney Care. Or Bain Capital. Etch A Sketch stock has tripled since both Gingrich and Santorum started waving the things around on TV last night.
Fluke Flap
The Fluke Flap grows. Sandra didn’t testify before Congress. She testified before a souped up press conference arranged by some members of Congress. And it turns out Rush is far from the biggest pig in the land, though he does seem to be the only one with any wit.
Bill Maher’s idea of pushing the first amendment envelope is to use the “c” word on HBO. (Must stand for “c”ash, since he was able to give Obama’s super pac a million dollars.) Meanwhile The One mangles the first amendment by forcing the Catholic Church buy abortion pills. Give him credit for a sense of irony.
Kirsten Powers takes offense in the Daily Beast.