Category Archives: internet
Lie of the Year Award
PolitiFact honored the president with its Lie of the Year award for saying “if you like your healthcare plan you can keep it”.
When Senator Ron Wyden asked National Intelligence Director James Clapper if NSA collected data on millions or hundreds of millions of Americans, Clapper answered, “No.”… “not wittingly”.
Now that we know NSA tracks everyone’s calls, including Angela Merkel’s, Andrea Mitchell asked Clapper why he lied. Clapper complained that Wyden had asked about secret operations in a public forum and that he answered him in the “least untruthful manner”.
ObamaCare Failure
Washington Post blogger Ezra Klein, a supporter of ObamaCare, called the launch a big failure.
And Forbes says, “ObamaCare’s website is crashing because it doesn’t want you to know how costly its plans are.”
ObamaCare Failure
According to the WSJ, “The failures that have all but disabled ObamaCare are the result of deliberate political choices, which HHS and the White House are compounding with secrecy and stonewalling.”
Even Robert Gibbs wants people fired
ObamaCare 404
Republican efforts to stave off ObamaCare may have been unnecessary. The government’s own website seems to be doing a pretty good job of that. People can’t get on the poorly designed site and if they do they can’t get out.
The administration refuses to say how many have signed up.
So, as it stands now you can be fined for failing to buy a product the government can’t provide.
Apple iOS 7 is Just Like ObamaCare
The president compared ObamaCare’s rocky rollout favorably to Apple’s launch of iOS 7.0.2. Really. Well, they both do take fingerprints, operate in a cloud, and spy on us.
“Consider that just a couple of weeks ago, Apple rolled out a new mobile operating system, and within days, they found a glitch, so they fixed it.”
A bug that allowed unauthorized users to get past the new iPhone’s fingerprint protected lock screen was fixed. President Obama promises the federal government, proven so nimble in the past, will do likewise.
Apple and ObamaCare the Same
Kathleen Sebelius got into the act saying, “…hopefully you’ll give us the same slack you give Apple”.
iPhone 5 Fingerprints
Apple introduced two versions of the new iPhone 5 this week.
iPhone 5 Special Print Function
The upscale version features fingerprint recognition technology. You don’t need a password, just your fingerprint. The upside is you’re unlikely to forget your fingerprint. (You might be unlikely to forget. I’m not. I have ten fingerprints and it’s not easy to keep them straight. I hope I can still use one of them to type in the name of my first pet to get an email link where I can enter a new digit.)
The downside is, it’s kind of creepy.
An NSA secret slide presentation about how it accesses data from mobile devises was leaked to Der Spiegel. You can see it here. The first slide has a picture of the famous Apple 1984 Superbowl ad. The copy says:
Who knew in 1984 that this (Steve Jobs) would be big brother and the zombies would be paying customers?
But Bloomberg says not to worry. With the new iPhone you won’t be leaving your fingerprints all over The Cloud. That information is stored within the device and not accessible to nosy parkers.