Category Archives: health insurance

Strange Bedfellows


Pelosi is considering a plan put forward by Louise Slaughter, chairwoman of the House Rules Committee . It would allow the Senate Health Care Bill to be “deemed” to have passed. Then the House would make amendments to it and pass the new bill. They would be able to pass 2 bills with one vote. Kind of like using the same dollar twice for medicare and the health care. Here’s a Washington Post story explaining the gambit.

Buff Bluff

100308boklores1Eric Massa resigned today. The married congressman from NY is accused of sexually harassing a male staffer. Massa claims to be the victim of a dem conspiracy to run him out of town because he won’t vote for health care. But the congressman has no clothes. He says Obama’s chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel yelled at him while they were both naked as jaybirds in the shower at the house gym. Emanuel’s fully clothed yelling recently upset liberals and the mental health community.

White Coats


Give It Up for Lent


Obama wants the health care bill passed by March 18. He endorsed using “the budget maneuver known as reconciliation” to pass the unpopular big bill by a simple majority rather than the 60 votes normally needed in the Senate. Here’s the Washington Post story.

Channeling Barbara Boxer


During the health care summit Obama twice pointed out, with a smile on his face, that he was the president. This seemed redundant since everyone in the room was already calling him “Mr. President”. He returned the favor by addressing them by their first names as if they were kids in his class – which they sort of were. Peggy Noonan and Dennis Prager picked up on this.

Helpful note to the president: don’t call Senator Boxer “Babs”.

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