Category Archives: health insurance

Health Care Horror Story

131026 health care horror storyThe worms turn in the health care horror story. The president says ObamaCare isn’t just a website. He’s right. The problems go much deeper. Ezra Klein explains here.

The horror continues with the pitchman-in-chief’s claim that “if you like your doctor and your insurance – you can keep it”. The Daily Caller says more people have had their insurance cancelled than have signed up for ObamaCare. Florida Blue Cross cut 300,00 and Kaiser Permanente whacked 160,000 in California.

Health Care Horror Warranty

Now along comes Wisconsin Republican Senator Ron Johnson with a new bill to hold the government to its warranty. He calls it the “If You Like Your Health Plan You Can Keep it Act“.

Government Glitch

131022 government glitch

Healthcare isn’t the only government operation with a glitch or two.

Last week shoppers cleared the shelves of a Walmart when the store allowed the use of EBTcards that showed no balance limits due to a computer glitch. When the glitch was fixed and the card balances appeared, the shoppers dashed leaving behind carts full of merchandise.


Orwellian Train Wreck

131019White House Glossary Orwellian Train WreckIt turns out ObamaCare really is a train wreck.

Republicans tried to delay it and were denied. Then they tried to defund it and the result was a government shutdown.

Even though it was far from their goal, had the Republicans succeeded, they would have saved the president’s signature program a lot of embarrassment.

Orwellian White House

Instead, the White House called the Tea Party’s efforts to stop the train wreck “terrorism“.

The same administration, four years ago, labeled the killing of 13 troops at Fort Hood in the name of Islam, “workplace violence“.


ObamaCare Failure

obamacare failure

Washington Post blogger Ezra Klein, a supporter of ObamaCare, called the launch a big failure.

And Forbes says, “ObamaCare’s website is crashing because it doesn’t want you to know how costly its plans are.”

ObamaCare Failure

According to the WSJ, “The failures that have all but disabled ObamaCare are the result of deliberate political choices, which HHS and the White House are compounding with secrecy and stonewalling.”

Even Robert Gibbs wants people fired

No Defund or Delay

131010cruz_obamaActually this is more of a matter of , what was I thinking?

These two don’t seem to be having any second thoughts, even though Republican approval is down to 28% and there is no chance Obama would ever sign a bill to defund ObamaCare. Nor will His Highness consider a delay to his train wreck of a rollout which has contributed to his own 37% approval rating.


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