Category Archives: deficit

Chicago Way

100603bokloresIn his Washington Post column, Dana Milbank compares Obama’s tough week to a scene in Young Frankenstein. “Dr. Frankenstein: What a Filthy job!” Igor: “Could be worse.” Dr. Frankenstein: “How?” Igor: “Could Be Raining” (It starts to rain). After the gulf spill, Joe Sestak, and the Gaza flotilla the president’s Memorial Day speech was rained out.

Greek Financial Crisis


Here is Nial Ferguson in the Financial Times explaining how the Greek Debt Crisis is coming to us.

Take a Bow

091116bokloresWell, our president certainly isn’t one to hold a grudge. Within the same week he’s granted constitutional rights to the mastermind of of the worst attack on the U.S. since Pearl Harbor and bowed to the Emperor of Japan. Here’s a link to the LA Times story.

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