Category Archives: Hate groups
Peacenik Gun Law March in Virginia

Virginia Governor Ralph Northam is defending the state senate’s Red Flag gun law. He was last seen defending late term abortions and apologizing for wearing blackface.
But many Virginians seem to think Northam has his ban impulse backwards. And about 20,000 of them marched in protest of the gun law.
That set off a minor media hysteria about white supremacist gun violence. But the armed marchers behaved and even cleaned up their trash.
Which didn’t stop the senate from passing the bill anyway.
Stable Genius Meets Austere Religious Scholar
The Washington Post described Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi as an “Austere Religious Scholar” in one much mocked headline. So they changed it. Several times.
Anyway it looks like the Very Stable Genius got the best of the Austere Religious Scholar.
Governor Blackface
Virginia Governor Ralph Northam doesn’t regret his abortion comments. But he does regret dressing up in black face for a Michael Jackson dance contest. His wife probably doesn’t regret preventing him from moonwalking at his press conference.
Micro-Aggressions and Punchable Faces
Some on the left want to protect college students from speech and ideas that offend them. But some on the same side wish to punch a MAGA hat wearing 16 year old boy in the face.
And that offends University of Wisconsin Law School professor emerita Ann Althouse:
“It just beggars belief that the same liberals who fret about ‘micro-aggressions’ for 20-somethings were able to see 16-year-olds absorbing the worst racist garbage from religious bigots…”
Nick Sandmann’s Deplorable Friends
Nick Sandmann is the boy who smiled nervously while Native American activist Nathan Phillips pounded on a drum in his face. CNN’s Bakari Sellers called him “deplorable.” Sellers also seemed to want the old guy to step up his game and punch the kid in the face. Reza Aslan shared that sentiment in a tweet. And National Review even got in on the act saying the Covington Catholic High boys “spat on the cross.”
Why the instant viral hostility for the kids at the Lincoln Memorial?
Nick Sandmann’s deplorable friends pulled a lot of progressive triggers, according to the WSJ editorial board – “white, male, Christian, attendees at the annual March for Life in Washington and MAGA hats.
Joy Behar says the media smeared the Covington kids because “we’re desperate to get Trump out of office.”
Or maybe it was because of that lying son-of-a-bitch Johnson.