Category Archives: CHAZ
Woke Ministry of Truth, Tear Down this Statue
Violent Protests Ignored at Mostly Peaceful DNC

Violent protests burned Milwaukee and other major cities. But they were the unmentioned elephant in the room at last week’s DNC.
The Democrats bend their reality toward a referendum on President Donald Trump’s handling of the coronavirus, but they bend it away from any mention of growing violence in American big cities run by liberal Democratic administrations.
John Kass, Chicago Tribune
Summer of Love Beatdowns Drag on

Summer of Love protesters dragged Adam Haner from his truck in Portland Sunday night and beat him senseless. Then, while he lay defenseless in the street, a social justice warrior delivered the kick de grĂ¢ce to his head. Meanwhile, the police kept an extremely safe social distance from the “protest.” Now they’re searching for the suspected kicker. aptly named Marquise Love.
Peaceful Demonstrations Trashing Cities

Peaceful protests? President Clinton might say, “it depends on the meaning of “peaceful.”
A BBC headline in June reported, “27 police officers injured during largely peaceful anti-racism protests in London.”
And ABC News continued the trend last weekend reporting that “peaceful demonstrations intensified” in Oakland. Rioters set a courthouse on fire and assaulted police officers.
President Obama once said that shovel ready jobs “weren’t as shovel ready as we expected.”

Peaceful protests don’t seem to be as peaceful as we expected.