Jim Comey Had A Very Bad Nixonian Russian Firing Day


Let’s recap:

Comey went public with Hillary’s email server crimes.

And Republicans loved it.

But he said she lacked intent and couldn’t be prosecuted.

And Democrats loved it.

But then he said someone sent classified documents to pervert Carlos Danger’s laptop.

And Republicans loved it.

But then he said, “Never mind.”

And Hillary blamed him for losing the election.

And Comey became mildly nauseous.

Then Trump fired him.

That somehow outraged Democrats. They called it the Tuesday Night Massacre. Like the Saturday Night Massacre of Watergate lore.

They said Trump is Nixonian. Nixon, through Henry Kissinger, had Detente with Russia. Democrats say Trump had collusion with Russia.

And then Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and ambassador Sergey Kislyak showed up at the White House.

And then Henry Kissinger showed up at the White House…

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