Washington Swamp Tour Guide

Washington Swamp

Ann Coulter thinks The Washington Swamp is winning.

In her latest column, titled Swamp People 47; Trump 0, she says, “If this is the budget bill we get when Republicans control the House, the Senate, and the presidency, there’s no point in ever voting republican again.”

Meanwhile Vice President Pence got past Mr. Snerdley, the call screener, only to have Rush Limbaugh ask him, “Mr. Vice President, why vote Republican.”

And finally WSJ‘s Daniel Henninger asks, What is a Republican for?

If, after voters delivered control of Congress to them in 2016, these same Republicans can’t – or will not – produce an ObamaCare reform, those voters may reasonably ask in 2018: Why do we need these people?What is a Republican for?

Update: The House narrowly passed a bill to repeal and replace ObamaCare.


2 Responses to Washington Swamp Tour Guide

  1. […] post Washington Swamp Tour Guide appeared first on […]

  2. Allan says:

    Why do we need to “replace” Obamacare if it should never have been passed in the first place?

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