Fake News Real News

fake news

Fake news sometimes leads to real news.

Victor Davis Hanson recommends that anyone who makes a “a direct threat or clear allusion” to killing the president be put on the terrorist No Fly List.

Slow Freighter to London

If revving up a crowd in Washington by yelling out a personal wish to blow up the White House and its occupants, or holding up a facsimile of the decapitated head of the president to galvanize a video audience does not constitute enough suspicion to take a breather from flying, then nothing much else does. If Madonna had to take a slow freighter back to London, then she might curb her macabre enthusiasm at her next rally.

Fake News Editorial

Congressman Steve Scalise was shot by a guy named James Hodgkinson. He was a wingnut of the left variety. A hit list of Republicans was found in his pocket after he was shot dead.

A New York Times editorial tried to make moral equivalence of this by pinning the Gabby Giffords shooting on Sarah Palin. Congresswomen Giffords was shot by a madman named Jared Loughner six years ago. He had no political motive – just crazy. But the Times Editorial perpetuated the myth. Kind of like Hands up, Don’t Shoot.

The Times corrected the editorial the next day.

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