Tag Archives: teachers union
Teachers Unions and Charter Schools

Thomas Sowell has a new book out – “Charter Schools and Their Enemies.“
In a recent WSJ op-ed he says black and Hispanic students in New York City charter schools outperform public school students. And teachers unions fear charter schools for good reason:
Teachers unions and traditional public school administrators have every reason to fear charter schools. In 2019 there were more than 50,000 New York City students on waiting lists to transfer to charter schools.
If that many students were allowed to transfer, in a city where expenditures per pupil are more than $20,000 a year, the result wold be that more than a billion dollars year would transfer with them to charter schools.
Thomas Sowwell
Teachers Union Goes Greek
States are broke and teachers think they want to break their unions. Wisconsin teachers took a sick-out from school to protest. A few took an additional sick-out from civility to compare Governor Scott Walker to Hitler.