Category Archives: Bill Clinton

Take One for the Team


Politico reported last week that Bill Clinton tried to get Florida Democrat Kendrick Meek out of the US Senate race. The idea was for Meek to drop out and endorse former Republican Charlie Crist. Crist dropped out of the Republican primary when it was apparent he would lose and is now running as an independent. In exchange for getting Meek out of the race Crist would agree to caucus with the Democrats – if he wins – thus, saving a scarce donkey senate seat.

The plot fizzled when Meek refused to strap on the suicide belt. No hard feelings, I guess. The Daily Caller says Clinton is stumping for Meek today. Meek tells CNN it was Crist who approached him, not Clinton. The St. Petersburg Times has a complete story here.

Dawg Pound


Obama threw a bone to the friendly crowd at the Milwaukee Laborfest on Monday. He yelped that his critics talk about him like a dog. Is he the Big Dog or Big Labor’s lap dog? Speaking of man’s best friend, Tony Blair, in his new book, says Bush has more integrity than nearly every other leader he has met.

The Big Dawg visits Cleveland today. Should be a howl.

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