Category Archives: Holiday

Happy New Year


Happy New Year.

The Navy says Iran fired rockets within 1500 yards of US ship in the Persian Gulf. Iran says the US is lying.

Merry Christmas


Merry Christmas!

Veterans Day

Veterans Day

Camp Arifjan Kuwait

Thank you to all who’ve served, from my 92 year old father-in-law in the greatest generation, to all the men and women I’ve met overseas this year. IMG_2110IMG_2091

Since it’s Veterans Day it seems like a good time to reflect on two trips I made this year to visit troops in Kuwait, Djibouti, Turkey, and Iraq. The trips were sponsored by the USO and featured members of the National Cartoonists Society. We were there to draw and help build morale.

Our visits were promoted in advance so we’d often arrive at a facility with people lined up waiting for us. Each person took a seat at tables opposite a cartoonist. Then we drew. IMG_2089

Good Morning from a guy who teaches Arabic to our troops

My method was to talk to the person while observing facial features. I’d try to get to know something about his or her background while trying to provoke a smile or frown. All the while I was drawing in ink and processing the information I was getting. If all went well I ended up with a caricature in a gag cartoon that had something to do with the person’s real life. And if it really went well I didn’t have to ask to be reminded of the guy’s name. Then I signed the cartoon to him, with thanks for his service.

Usually they love it. IMG_2111

They told me all kinds of stuff, mostly about family at home, what their jobs are in the service, and what they hope to do when they get out. Sometimes they’d whip out an iPhone with pictures. I’ve drawn whole family portraits from cell phones and iPads. One guy asked me to draw a picture of his little boy born in Spain, except his wife lives in England. Whatever makes ’em happy.

It’s an intense process requiring serious concentration from an easily distracted cartoonist. It’s also really rewarding. For the most part these are special people doing a hard job they volunteered for far from home. They don’t get much recognition and they don’t complain. At least not to the cartoonist.

Veterans Day

So this Veterans Day I’d like to thank all who’ve served, especially the ones who took time to talk to me. IMG_2105


Happy Jewish New Year from Iran

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Iranian good cop President Rouhani tweeted Happy Rash Hashanah wishes for the Jewish new year. In English, not on his Persian account. Earlier in the week Supreme Leader Khamenei announced that Israel will be gone in 25 years.

Declaration of Independence


Happy Independence Day!

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