Category Archives: carbon

Settled Science

140222-settled-science -denier-galileo-climate changeThe Settled Science is unsettling. President Obama began last week with a trip to California where he blamed the drought on Global warming, aka Climate Change. Most climate change models predict warming will cause a wet California.

Click on this chart to see the WSJ Mcnider/Christy article on why John Kerry is all wet.

climate change computer:satellite map


More Settled Science

Then John Kerry dragged the State Department into the act by proclaiming Climate Change to be the world’s greatest weapon of mass destruction. He added that only shoddy scientists disagree. Here’s is Dr. Krauthammer’s diagnosis.

This Forbes piece shows that 31,000 scientists might not like being called “flat earthers” by Kerry and his fellow climate McCarthyites.


Krauthammer, in the piece mentioned above, says insisting the science is settled is “a crude attempt to silence critics and delegitimize debate”. Sure enough, environmental activists launched a petition demanding that the Washington Post not publish his column.

Scientists Stuck in the Ice


If you’re a traveler stranded by snow, ice, and sub zero temps this weekend you’re not alone.

Scientists Stuck in the Ice

A boatload of scientists on their way to measure the loss of antarctic sea ice got stuck in the ice. They were rescued by helicopter for evacuation to a Chinese ship – which is now also stuck in the global warming denying ice. Fortunately the scientists planned ahead and planted trees to offset their carbon emissions.

Update: I know weather isn’t climate but still…

And finally – Mark Steyn, Ship of Fools

Climate Conjecture

131011climate conjectureA new climate study hit the news last week. It predicts extremely hot temperatures in specific locations more than 50 years out. It uses computer modeling. Past computer models have done a poor job of predicting climate that has already happened. Maybe these are better models. Who knows?

Climate Change

130626-climate-change-cartoonIn a major speech on climate change, the president declared war on coal without congressional, or even U.N., authorization. Instead the EPA will lead the charge against CO2 emissions.

Those emissions, by the way, declined in the US over the last 15 years, while soaring world-wide. Global warming has stalled over the same period according to The Economist.

Here’s the blow by blow in the battle for the hearts, minds, and votes of carbon based life forms.


EPA official Al Armendariz washed his hands of his Roman centurion approach to oil and gas executives.

“They’d go into a little Turkish town somewhere, they’d find the first five guys they saw and they’d crucify them,” Armendariz continued. “And then you know that town was really easy to manage for the next few years. And so you make examples out of people who are in this case not compliant with the law.”

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