Category Archives: stock market

Raising Rates

raising rates

Click on the fed chief to enlarge.

As the economy grows the fed has been raising interest rates. President Trump isn’t pleased and he let Chairman Powell know it. He said “it looks like he’s happy raising rates.” As of Wednesday stocks were negative territory for the year.

Possible Fake News Tesla Tweets

fake news tesla tweets

Elon Musk tweeted that he wants to take Tesla private and has $70 billion in backing to do it. Tesla shares jumped 10% on the news. But now that the S.E.C. is on his case for possible fake news Tesla tweets the stock is back to ground zero.

Trillion Dollar Apple

trillion dollar apple

On Thursday Apple became the first company ever to be valued over a trillion dollars.

Trillion Dollar Apple

That’s a number equal to one fourth of annual federal spending. Or one twentieth of the federal debt.

Facebook Face Plant

facebook face plant

The stock market unfriended Facebook yesterday. Investors vaporized $119 billion of Facebook’s value – 20% of the company’s market cap. It was the biggest 24 hour stock sale in history.

Facebook Face Plant

Founder Mark Zuckerberg face planted too. He lost $15 billion in for the day.

Hope his student loan is paid off.

Main Street Meets Wall Street

main street meets wall street

The unemployment rate fell below 4% for the first time in 18 years. Good news for Main Street. But Wall Street’s not so sure.

Main Street Meets Wall Street

The Fed hit its 2% inflation target. Will it raise interest rates more? Is Trump starting a trade war? Who knows? Well, we do know he killed the Iran deal today and the Dow said Moooo.


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