Category Archives: Chicago

Fat Cat

Can the Chicago Daley machine make us the country that works?

Higher Office

100909bokloresNow that Mayor Daley has announced his retirement Rahm Emanual may be the first to abandon ship. Here’s a June 20 Telegraph story anticipating his desire to depart Obama’s “idealistic inner circle”. Or as Rahm would say, “f-ing retards“.

The Blagoshpere

100819bokloresHere’s all the inside Blago baseball you need to know in a lengthy Chicago News Cooperative piece by James Warren

Chicago Way

100603bokloresIn his Washington Post column, Dana Milbank compares Obama’s tough week to a scene in Young Frankenstein. “Dr. Frankenstein: What a Filthy job!” Igor: “Could be worse.” Dr. Frankenstein: “How?” Igor: “Could Be Raining” (It starts to rain). After the gulf spill, Joe Sestak, and the Gaza flotilla the president’s Memorial Day speech was rained out.

Chi Sludge


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