Category Archives: Chicago
Higher Office
Now that Mayor Daley has announced his retirement Rahm Emanual may be the first to abandon ship. Here’s a June 20 Telegraph story anticipating his desire to depart Obama’s “idealistic inner circle”. Or as Rahm would say, “f-ing retards“.
The Blagoshpere
Here’s all the inside Blago baseball you need to know in a lengthy Chicago News Cooperative piece by James Warren
Chicago Way
In his Washington Post column, Dana Milbank compares Obama’s tough week to a scene in Young Frankenstein. “Dr. Frankenstein: What a Filthy job!” Igor: “Could be worse.” Dr. Frankenstein: “How?” Igor: “Could Be Raining” (It starts to rain). After the gulf spill, Joe Sestak, and the Gaza flotilla the president’s Memorial Day speech was rained out.