Carrier Pigeon 2.0
In the old days battlefield communications occurred via carrier pigeon. In a postmodern update, Trump tweeted transgenders out of the military.
Carrier Pigeon 2.0
Defense secretary Mattis was “appalled” that the president tweeted his way around his own command structure.
McCain called it, “yet another example of why major policy announcements should not be made via Twitter.”
The military is awaiting “further guidance” before enforcing the policy.
As a combat Viet Nam veteran I don’t appreciate your attempt at humor. Any disruption of a combat unit is deadly to all members of that unit. That goes for anything, which includes homosexuality of any form.
My cartoon was about Trump issuing major orders by twitter.
Duh. The greatest casualty of the current climate may be our collective sense of humor. “CHRONIC POLITICAL CLIMATE INDUCED DEPRESSION”
Let’s go back to Oxford/UD and just drink a few beers to solve all the problems as we used to.