Woodrow Wilson Replaced by Pajama Boy


The student activists are on to Woodrow Wilson. President Wilson frowned on the US Constitution with its separation of powers and limited government. He preferred big government ruled by expert elites.

And so it has come to pass.

In addition to that, Wilson was not fond of black people. He rooted them out of his newly expanded government and segregated the ones who remained. By law.

Somehow word of this leaked out to the student agitators. They are now demanding that Wilson’s name be removed from Princeton University where he was president before moving on to bigger things.

Victor Davis Hanson, a history professor (and raisin farmer) himself, thinks progressive faculty and administrators deserve all the blame for recent campus unrest:

A group called the Black Justice League wants the name of liberal but bigoted President Woodrow Wilson removed from Princeton University. Liberals are aghast that the century-old memory of their progressive hero might vanish from the Princeton campus.

In another National Review piece VDH says that, by the standards of modern academia, none of the heroes of the past stand up to the moral superiority of the Pajama Boys of the present.

One Response to Woodrow Wilson Replaced by Pajama Boy

  1. terry says:

    Wilsonian progressivism begat New Deal which begat The Great Society which begat today’s SNAP, HUD housing,etc. All with the intended consequence of an unending and forever debilitating reliance on federal handouts.

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