Tag Archives: russia
Red Scare II
A new red scare haunts the halls of Congress. If President Trump isn’t an outright Russian agent – paying hookers to pee on Obama’s bed (turned out that was just a media leak) – he’s using Russia to extort favors from Ukraine. At least that’s how many Dems see it.
Red Scare
But back in 2012 the shoe was on the other foot. President Obama mocked Mitt as a Russian conspiracy crank, and went on to win the election.
Here’s an example of too much information choking a cartoon. My first version looked like this:
Nasa Needs a Ride Board
Having abandoned the Space Shuttle by the side of the galaxy, NASA relied on the kindness of Russians for transportation to the International Space Station. Bad move. While NASA minds contemplated the finer points of alien attack (not involving relatives of the president), a Russian Soyuz blew up, leaving the space station lost in space.
Wrong Stuff
In his State of the Union, Obama referred to our Sputnik moment. It was an attempt to rally the nation to “win the future” or do something or other. The one thing it was not was an attempt to deprive the Russians of a monopoly on manned space travel.