Tag Archives: polar vortex

Infrastructure Freezes Texas in its Tracks

Infrastructure, texas, energy, polar vortex

Dallas hit 81 degrees yesterday, but the Polar Vortex froze Texas stiff last week. President Trump met with union bosses 84 degrees ago to talk infrastructure.

We are so far behind the curve in terms of infrastructure, everything from canals to highways to airports, to everything we can do and we need to do to make ourselves competitive in the 21st century.

President Biden discussing his “Build Back Better agenda with union bosses

And then there’s the Keystone XL Pipeline.

In revoking this permit, the Biden Administration has chosen to listen to the voices of fringe activists instead of union members and the American consumer on Day 1

Mark McManus, general president of the United Association of Union Plumbers and Pipefitters after the same meeting.

No word on jet engine maintenance.

Texas Battle Cry: Remember the Windmills

Texas, windmills,

Texas gets 23% of its energy from windmills. J.R. Ewing must be spinning in his grave. He’s probably trying to generate some heat. The windmills don’t. They’re frozen.

Texans are freezing without power, but remember the Alamo! Texans will stay and fight to the end. All except Senator Ted Cruz that is. He lit out for Cancun.

Vortex Phil

Vortex Phil, Polar vortex, groundhog day

Click on Phil to enlarge the image.

The polar vortex isn’t sticking around for Groundhog Day. Hope it’s not too late for Phil. But if he’s unable to see his shadow AccuWeather will do it for him. The weather people say, “while frigid air may ease back a bit in the first and second week of February, the reprieve will be short-lived.”

Polar Vortex

140107-polar-vortex-cartoonUntil it got really cold this week I had never heard of a polar vortex. Thanks to The Weather Channel I’ve learned it means we swapped weather with Fairbanks.

Same goes for a Derecho, which I learned last summer means rain storm.

I’ve also learned The Weather Channel has acquired naming rights to the weather. This week’s polar vortex is named Ion.

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