Tag Archives: Our American Family
Young Healthies of Our American Family
In times of trouble President Obama is fond of mistaking “We the People” for “Our American Family”.
Makes sense in a sick sort of way. We’ve had Soccer Moms, NASCAR Dads, and now we have “Young Healthies”.
Young Healthies are the underemployed, student loan indentured, basement dwelling scions of our “American Family”. And while they stand to reap an unhealthy inheritance of $17 trillion in debt, their most immediate concern is to support the lifestyles of the “Old and Sick”.
Traditionally this support has been in the form of the employment tax which covers social security and medicare expenses. Ok, it doesn’t exactly cover them – see the $17 trillion debt inheritance. Anyway, a new turn of the screw has been added. The Young Healthies are required by law to buy insurance they don’t need so that their modest wealth can be transferred to the Old and Sick.
Young Healthies and young Our American Family Go Down Together
For some reason the Young Healthies were enthusiastic about this arrangement in the abstract in 2008, but not so much now that it’s real. That’s too bad, because if the Healthies don’t cough up the money they don’t have, Our American Family goes into a “Death Spiral“.