Tag Archives: nanny state

Baby Talk

Obama has warned that, if he is defeated, Republicans will leave you “on your own“. This is a bad thing? It is if you’r building the Nanny State.

Speaking of Change, last Thursday was Diaper Need Awareness Day in the state of Connecticut. It was a day for the diaper lobby to call attention to the needs of the diaper disadvantaged. The holiday prompted Mark Steyn to recall that the government already provides “adult baby” Stanley Thornton Jr. with income disability checks so he can wear a giant diaper, while laying around in a giant crib, under the attention of a buxom nanny. Apparently there are actual adults whose fetish for pooping their pants is now a federally recognized disability. Steyn considers this “almost too poignant an emblem of the republic at twilight”.

As usual, Homeland Security has been far ahead of the curve on this issue.

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