Tag Archives: Eich

The Debate Is So Over


The debate is over for ObamaCare, Climate Change, and Gay Marriage. Especially gay marriage.

Brendan Eich, former CEO of Mozilla, didn’t know that. In 2008 he made a $1000 contribution in support of California’s Proposition 8 to ban gay marriage. The majority of California voters didn’t know the debate was over either. They passed the proposition. To better help everyone understand that the debate is over, Brendan Eich was forced out of his job.

The Debate is Over, Dammit

The wizard standing on top of the guillotine has a hockey stick on his wizard hat. That’s in honor of Michael Mann’s “hockey stick” theory of global warming. Dr. Mann is a professor at Penn State University. The shaft of his “hockey stick” graph represents 1000 years of steady global temperatures and the blade shows a sharp increase in the 20th century. Some skeptics claimed Professor Mann’s model results in a hockey stick shape no matter what data you enter. This enraged the Professor. He went all goon and has been taking two handed slashes at his doubters ever since.

Some skeptical journalist drew an analogy to Mann’s methods and those of another noted Penn State figure, Jerry Sandusky. In order to help the journalists understand the debate is over Dr. Mann sued them.

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