Tag Archives: air travel
Air Travel Animal Farm

The air travel animal farm made the news again this week. A Michigan woman bought a first class window seat for her horse.
Thank You for Your Service Animals
Meanwhile, back in the section for animals less equal than others, a human pounded on the seat of the woman in front of him. She had committed the economy section faux pax of reclining into his lap.
It Depends
It seems the government’s terror campaign against the elderly requires 95 year old air travelers to drop her Depends for inspection.
Keith Olberman has his panties in a bunch over this one. And Jonah Goldberg dumps on the TSA here.
Groping for Answers
Airport security procedures have been flying under the cover of election news recently. The attention they do get has mostly been focused on air freight – with good reason. Matt Drudge, however, is lifting the veil on the use of full body scanners in some locations. Travelers who exercise their option to “opt out” are subject to full body searches. Here’s an LA Times story on transparency.