Category Archives: Hamas

Ships in the Night


The UN condemned Israel for it’s raid on the blockade running “Peace Flotilla”, sponsored in part in Turkey. Netanyahu remained defiant, claiming the craft was not the “Loveboat”. Krauthammer thinks the blockade is more than justified. Peter Beinart says it must go. Beinart’s old boss at the New Republic, Marty Peretz, had the bad manners to bring up the Armenian Genocide.

Chicago Way

100603bokloresIn his Washington Post column, Dana Milbank compares Obama’s tough week to a scene in Young Frankenstein. “Dr. Frankenstein: What a Filthy job!” Igor: “Could be worse.” Dr. Frankenstein: “How?” Igor: “Could Be Raining” (It starts to rain). After the gulf spill, Joe Sestak, and the Gaza flotilla the president’s Memorial Day speech was rained out.

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