Dr. Seuss Gets White Trashed on his Birthday

Our woke betters took out the white trash again this week. Dr. Seuss Enterprises has decided to stop publishing six of his books due to racial imagery. Loudoun County Public Schools in Virginia sounded the alarm over the weekend. The district is discouraging reading Dr. Seuss on “Read Across America Day”. But they insist they did not cancel the good doctor:
Research in recent years has revealed strong racial undertones in many books written/illustrated by Dr. Seuss. Examples include anti-Japanese American political cartoons and cartoons depicting African-Americans for sale captioned with offensive language.”
Due to this research, as well as what LCPS described as its ongoing focus on “equity and culturally responsive instruction,” schools were advised to refrain from strictly linking Read Across America Day festivities with the birthday of Dr. Seuss, which also lands on March 2.
Loudoun County Public Schools statement
Dr. Seuss research? They’re just following the science.
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