Big Voice on the Right, Rush Limbaugh 1951 – 2021, RIP

Rush Limbaugh was “The Big Voice on the Right.” He earned his self-proclaimed title when Ronald Reagan dismantled the Fairness Doctrine in 1987. That allowed radio stations to broadcast Limbaugh’s raucous conservative opinions without giving equal time to offended liberals. It was a winning formula, and in the process he saved AM radio.
And he continued to dominate conservative talk until he died yesterday of lung cancer.
Big Voice on the Right
He was an entertainer who knew and respected his audience. But he also had an uncanny knack for stringing together news items and ideas to make a witty point. Almost always mocking the left. The left is lucky he didn’t draw.
Rush claimed to know liberals like “every square inch of his glorious naked body.” And, thanks to “talent on loan from God,” he claimed he could beat them with “half his brain tied behind his back.”
So that’s why I figured I had an original cartoon idea – yesterday. Rest in peace, Rush…
More great minds….

I, for one, say thank you to Rush for airing those views all these many years with his “talent on loan from G-d,” with the hope that it remains “on loan” for many more years to come.
Binyamin L. Jolkovsky, Jewish World Review
God Bless and RIP Rush, we will miss you terribly.
thank you Chip, really well captured