Iran Deal Bizarro World

150914bizaroIt’s President Obama’s Bizarro World and we just live in it.

He created a parallel universe in order to pass the Iran Nuclear deal .

Critics believe the deal qualifies as a treaty. A treaty requires 2/3 Senate approval and that wasn’t about to happen. Just ask John Kerry. So the president made it an executive agreement. No approval needed.

Bizarro World

That was one indignity too far for Senator Bob Corker. Corker decided to defend the Senate’s honor by allowing a vote of disapproval of the executive agreement. Obama agreed, promising to veto a vote to disapprove. Overriding a veto requires a 2/3 vote by the full Congress.

It never came to that. The president was able to muster 42 Senate votes to keep the vote for disapproval from even making it to the floor.



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