IRS Shared Responsibility Payment


In America we’re innocent until proven guilty. Thanks to the fifth amendment we aren’t required to testify against ourselves. That would be the same fifth amendment IRS boss Lois Lerner invoked to avoid testifying about IRS harassment of conservative groups.

As it happens, the one area where we don’t have fifth amendment protection is when it comes to reporting our obligations to the IRS.

In order to bestow on the federal government the power to force us to buy health insurance, Chief Justice Roberts deemed the penalty for not buying insurance to be a tax. That’s because while the U.S. Constitution overlooked insurance sales, it does give Congress the power to tax.

Being a tax, we are required to prove to the IRS that we don’t owe it.


To soften the blow the IRS isn’t calling this tax the Individual Mandate to Violate of Our Constitutional Rights. They are calling it your Shared Responsibility Payment. Kind of has a ring to it – the Affordable Care Act’s Shared Responsibility Payment.

Where the hell are we?

Just for the fun of it if you want to hear Obama insist again to George Stephanopoulos that the mandate isn’t a tax Click here. (You’ll have to watch a short commercial but it’s worth it.)


One Response to IRS Shared Responsibility Payment

  1. Terry says:

    To answer your question: We are in a country that increasingly worships at the altar of emotionalism. The latest effort by the administration is “Brothers Keeper” program.
    If Obama would simply speak of family values. That would include responsibilty for the welfare of any child and the child’s mother that results from his choices.
    The cause of these problems that no politician has the guts to voice is the breakdown of the family. Many major ills would be relieved if families remained intact.

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