Monopoly Money


Any time you get a chance to use a politicians own words in a cartoon you’re in luck. So I’d like to thank the president for last week’s Christmas gift when he said, “we can’t continue to spend… as if the hard earned tax dollars of the American people can be treated like monopoly money…“. The new thrifty Obama also caught Daniel Henninger’s attention in this WSJ column.

The main blame for this cartoon goes to my two sons, Matt and John. They worked it out on Thursday while home for Christmas. I colored it.

2 Responses to Monopoly Money

  1. DeepWheat says:

    (*cough*) With all due respect to you and your sons, I would call your attention to the dice shown just below the (*cough*) “Presidential” figure… three-plus-five=eight is clearly incorrect, as American taxpayers have obviously rolled SNAKE-EYES with this administration!

  2. Ian Bersten says:

    I would like permission to use this cartoon in a book in whih I mention Monopoly. Ian Bersten Sydney Australia

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